

Sasquatch Screams are often heard in the deep of night.  Alleged Sasquatch screams or howls could be for many different reasons. When they are spread out, similar to wolves pack members will howl to stay in touch with the rest of the group. […]



Many plaster casts and photographs of footprints have been examined in detail which were reportedly made by a species of bipedal primate, the Sasquatch or Bigfoot. They prove not to be simply enlarged human footprints but show several peculiarities. […]


Rock Use

Rock use such as clacking has been described as a way for Sasquatch to signal or communicate with one another, while rock throwing is seen as a territorial display.   In addition,  chimpanzees have been known to stack rocks as a form of Shrine Ritual. […]



Whoop vocalizations are arguably the quintessential Sasquatch vocal and sound just like the name implies. The best executed whoops start low and ascend rapidly in tone and volume to end abruptly, but variations do exist. […]


Wood Knocks

Researchers tend to believe wood knocks are used in a range of manners to convey different messages based upon context.  Single loud wood knocks, coupled with a loud whoop or other vocal, could be a “are you there?” if you will. Maybe they ask the question “is there any body out there?!” […]