Alberta Sasquatch July Expedition Notes
Here are some brief notes from Justin about our 4-day event held with members of the public in a Sasquatch hotspot north of Ram River Fall Provincial Park. […]
Here are some brief notes from Justin about our 4-day event held with members of the public in a Sasquatch hotspot north of Ram River Fall Provincial Park. […]
We found some dead wood lying around and smashed it on a tree to break it into pieces. Bang! Bang! Bang! That’s when it got weird… […] A subscriber wrote to me to tell me about the life changing moment he just experienced while working his family ranch. He went from laughing at the topic and anyone who spoke of it […] A logger from British Columbia shared his stressful experience while working night shift alone above Spences Bridge Another first hand story told to me by a couple in south central BC as well some video footage I took a few years back. Please hit up our outdoor apps, all the content […] Another account of a couple personal experiences in the coastal mountains of British Columbia. More to come, dont forget to share my app page with whom it may help.
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