Animal Calls
Are you new to the great outdoors? We have compiled a short list of videos here that will help you differentiate between the various diverse types of animals that can be heard in the wild. […]
DNA Testing
DNA testing is taking a bite out of the Sasquatch legend. After scientists analyzed more than 30 hair samples reportedly left behind by Sasquatch and similar mythical beasts like the Himalayan Yeti, they found all of them came from more mundane creatures like bears, wolves, cows and raccoons. […]
Evidence Collection
“Just because a species hasn’t been found doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. There are many new species discovered each and every year.” So when you are collecting evidence “Don’t blow it”. […]
Faces of the Sasquatch
These are artistic renderings of some facial descriptions given by eyewitnesses with regards to the Sasquatch. […]
The first thing most of us in research read about as regards to any hair analysis was a paper from John Green’s 1978 Book, Sasquatch, the Apes Among Us on page 284. On that page John explained a half dozen light colored hairs found in the 1960’s by a government game guide named Wayne Twitchell that were subsequently sent to a laboratory in Los Angeles. […]
It has been suggested Sasquatch uses infrasound much like a Tiger to stun their opposition or prey. This would explain many encounters in which the witness is frozen in time unable to scream, take a photo, or pull the trigger of their gun, only to remain frozen while their mind try’s to make sense of what they are experiencing […]
Mr. Nelson has verified that these creatures use language by the human definition of it. The months of hard work that Mr. Nelson has put into the study of the Berry/Morehead tapes is finally coming to fruition. The analysis is finished, although he is still working on parts of the final write-up such as frequency count tables, morpheme lists, etc. […]