>> Download Sightings Geodata
What this is: One individual’s effort to map a large number of the more credible bigfoot / sasquatch reports published on the internet; essentially to provide a reasonably comprehensive geographical index of reports and a tool to help assess their geographic distribution.
What it is not: A complete index of all bigfoot sightings. It can never be anywhere near complete for a variety of reasons. First, that ideal would totally depend upon all witnesses reporting their encounters. Second, limited manpower within bigfoot research organizations means there will always be a sizeable backlog of unevaluated and unpublished reports. Also some reports may be considered too sensitive for publication. Finally, this particular effort is also under-resourced. (The fact that not all researchers organizetheir web sites in a manner that facilitates monitoring new reports is also a factor.) So, while thousands of reports have been mapped here, it’s quite likely that a very substantial number of encounters are not represented.
NOTE: Since there still is no capability to update files on this forum the latest version is now hosted at Mediafire. This file currently contains approximately 7713 placemarks.
The attached placemark .kmz is the result of a long-term project I have been engaged in to geo-locate reports of encounters with bigfoot / sasquatch creatures. The reports come primarily from bigfoot resource organization web sites. This is my initial test effort to share this information via Google Earth. I welcome input by more experienced Google Earth users who might want to offer suggestions to improve the organization and display.
The reports were originally mapped with another software product and I am in the middle of the process of converting the data to .kml format, so this file will be growing as I migrate my remaining data.
Please Note: Users of this information should not assume that locations are accurate. Do not assume that a location is precise enough to apply to a particular property. The location coordinates are approximate and the margin of error will depend on the degree of precision included in the source report. Hyperlinks to the source reports are included. While some locations are quite precise, generally I believe that the margin of error is on the order of one mile. If the likely error is greater I have included an estimate. e.g., ~2mi, ~5mi, etc.
Users of this information should respect all property rights.
I welcome discussion of the maps and how I am presenting them here. Debate or discussion regarding the existence of and/or search for these creatures would be better held in other forums, such as: Bigfoot Forums.
[Edit 2006-03-05 – Icons’ shape and color now differentiate report type and source.]
[Edit 2006-03-22 – Tweaked icon sizes, worked around icon bitmap addressing bug in Google Earth to correct icon display errors.]
[Edit 2006-03-26 – Further icon modification for better visual clarity. Reduced label font scale to minimize screen clutter. Added descriptive text and resource URL]
[Edit 2006-08-16 – Corrections may be reported via private mail here. Please include the state and nearest community or the URL of the associated report.]
[Edit 2006-11-18] – Strengthened language regarding approximate nature of locations and need to respect property rights.]
[Edit 2007-01-27 – Further reduced icon and label scales to ease map clutter.]
[Edit 2007-03-18 – Included valid TimeStamp tags to allow Timeline viewing with Google Earth 4. To view all placemarks it is necessary to move the Timeline sliders. Changed icons to Google Earth 4 types.] Note that GE version 4.3 hides the timeline slider by default, unless it is moused over.
[Edit 2007-08-04] – Added reports from the WCSRO. (Western Canada)]
[Edit 2007-12-09 – Added reports from OregonBigfoot.com]
[Edit 2008-01-15 – Added reports from Winnipeg River Sasquatch Association (Manitoba). Further reduced font scale to 0.6 to diminish map clutter.]
[Edit 2008-02-26 – Completed reports from BigfootEncounters.com, now includes CA, OR, and WA,]
[Edit 2008-02-27 – Added reports from Ontario Sasquatch Research]
[Edit 2008-05-14 – Revised links for older Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy reports. The TBRC totally redesigned their web site earlier this year which resulted in breaking the map links for all reports mapped from the original web site. Those URLs have now been revised to link to archived web pages stored by The Wayback Machine.
[Edit 2009-01-19/02-13 – There are now two bigfootreports.kmz file attachments. The most recent is the one without the “321484-” prefix. Until I figure out how, using the new GEC BBS software, to upload my file to overwrite the original file and correctly maintain the download count, I will leave both files attached. Any assistance would be appreciated.]
[Edit 2009-02-18 – Removed older file and uploaded latest update. Looks like total download count will no longer be available, as I have to delete old file and replace with new one.]
[Edit 2009-08-16 – The International Bigfoot Society web site was taken down in March of 2009. This means that all the links I have included to IBS reports are permanently broken. Also it appears that none of the individual IBS report pages have been archived on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, so I am unable to re-link to them there as I did with the older TBRC reports. Fortunately the Wayback Machine has archived the state & province report indexes from the IBS site. This means that there is still a brief summary of each report available in the relevant state index. Unfortunately you will now have to manually search through the state listings to find any information regarding the IBS reports I have mapped here.
[Edit 2010-03-20 Completed mapping reports from Tirademan’s newspaper archive collection. These older reports illustrate how this phenomenon can be traced back much earlier than many people realize. Update: With the dissolution of the old bigfootforums.com, links to Tirademan’s excellent newspaper clipping project are no longer valid. Quite unfortunately they are also unavailable via the Wayback Machine internet archive.
Revised links for reports from the Western Canadian Sasquatch Research Organization and the Winnipeg River Sasquatch Research Association to point to archived pages of the Wayback Machine. The sites of both organizations were taken down some time after they were mapped. Unfortunately archives are currently incomplete for both organizations’ sites.]
[Edit 2010-10-17 Preliminary mapping for Kentucky Bigfoot.]
[Edit 2012-01-16 Updated Kentucky Bigfoot reports. Updated Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society reports.]
[Edit 2012-06-30 Latest version now hosted at Mediafire, since after four months of operation this new Google forum still offers no provision for updating attachments.
[Edit – Includes all of my data as of last edit date.]