→ Type of Encounter:
Visual Sighting
→ Reported by:
→ Location of Encounter:
Peter Lougheed Provincial Park
→ Date & Time of Encounter:
April, 2006
→ Details of the Event:
It was the start of April, 2006, and the camping season was beginning. Unfortunately the forestry road was closed, and always is between winter and may. I decided to go up that way anyway, and I got around the locked gate, which begins about 15km up the road. I was driving to one of my favorite spots, which was a good couple hours up the road. There was not a soul on the road other than I, and I was between 30km and 40km up the road, going about 50km an hour. As I finished turning a corner, out of my peripherals I noticed something active on my left side. I glanced to my left, and what I saw I will never be able to explain. About 40-60 feet away, in the dense forest I saw a dark brown figure, covered in hair. It looked like it was holding a rock or something above its head, and I am 100% positive it was standing on 2 feet. For about 3 seconds I watched this creature, and than as I rounded another corner it faded from my view. After about a minute I realized what I had just witnessed, so I turned around to see if this mysterious creature was still there. I looked and looked, and where I saw the hairy animal standing, there was nothing but open space in between trees. I now regret not looking for prints, but I just didn’t have the guts to go check it out. I didn’t see another person on this road for my entire 4 day camping trip. I rarely tell this story to people anymore, for fear of ridicule, But I know what I saw, and it was not a bear.