ASO Report #051 – Cranbrook, BC Resident Has Close Encounter


→ Type of Encounter:

Visual Sighting, Footprints Found, Vocalizations Heard

→ Reported by:


→ Location of Encounter: 

Wycliffe Regional Park (BC)

→ Date & Time of Encounter:

Fall 2016

→ Details of the Event:

This happened near Wycliffe Regional Park, Perry Creek Road, Cranbrook BC.

I was out a few years ago, looking for sasquatches. I made noises to attract any creatures, and I got several responses. They kept getting closer, and closer. Then I heard the footsteps, more vocalizations, closer and closer! Then, I saw it!!!

For only a second and a half, a large upright creature with a smaller child creature brushed past my view and disappeared into the forest.

I started chasing it, but could not keep up. Right where I saw it moments before, there were footprints 6 inches into the ground! and hair on trees where they were!

I know this sighting is not in Alberta, but pretty close. So I just wanted to let you know about my experience.

I did take photos, but they were lost when my old phone broke. I had been there 3-5 times before with friends, but we didn’t find much evidence until the other time I reported about earlier today. I have not been back there because I am just shocked and kind of terrified of what I saw. I went out there just because I didn’t know what was on the dirt road past the Wycliffe Regional Park, and I just wanted to know what I would find back there.

Sighting Location
Location of Sighting