Report # 1481 (Class A)
Submitted by witness Frank C. on Saturday, May 13, 2000.
Dusk sighting of a creature standing against a tree, as witnesses drove around a curve in the road, 90 miles outside of Jasper, Alberta.
YEAR: 1990
SEASON: Spring
LOCATION DETAILS: We were about 90 miles South of jasper, Alberta. The creature was on the right side of the road as we were going North.
NEAREST TOWN: Saskatchewan River Crossing
NEAREST ROAD: On Highway 93
OBSERVED: My friend Jason and I were on our way to Alaska at the time from college, ( he to go home, I to go to work for a Fisheries ). As I said earlier it was about 45 minutes before dusk. We had just come around a bend in the road when we happened to look to the side of the road and saw the creature.
It looked as though it was standing still against a tree in order not to be seen, as it undoubtedly heard us approaching. It looked right at me as we passed it at about 45-50 MPH. In the approximatly 4-5 seconds we saw it. I could make out the shape of it’s face and the color of it’s fur ( Irish Setter red ). In about 3 strides it had turned and was out of sight. I do remember it’s eyes were “yellow” like those of my wife’s cat. It did not look friendly ( if that is the right word to describe it’s demeanor ). It gave me a look like a “wild dog” might give yoy if you came upon it feeding.
I know it’s been 10 years since my sighting but my reccollection of it is fresh, as it is the one of the most profound experiences of my life.
OTHER WITNESSES: One witness ( Jason ). He was driving.
TIME AND CONDITIONS: It was about 45 minutes before sunset. The sky was clear.
ENVIRONMENT: Geography: Winding road through a pine forest.