DATE: July 1992
TIME: Noon
LOCATION: Alberta, Canada
OBSERVED: I went out side to get the mail, I was probably eight. There was a sudden noise in the woods next to my yard, I heard twigs snapping. I looked at the woods and saw a huge, dark creature. It looked like Big Foot and that’s what I thought it was. It started walking further away from me, it walked on its hind legs! I ran like heck back into my house. I told my mom about the creature and she told me it had to have been a bear or something. But I know it wasn’t because bears don’t walk on their hind legs and there’s never been a report of a bear in those woods.
ACTIVITIES OF WITNESS(ES): Walking outside to retrieve the mail.
DESCRIPTION OF CREATURE: A huge, dark creature , looked ape-like that walked on it’s hind legs.
OTHER NOTES: Two weeks after this happened to me, my older sister was having a sleep over and they were planning on sleeping out in the yard. But one of her friends saw something big and ape-like nearby, needless to say they didn’t sleep outside that night. My dog was found dead and it looked like some nasty creature killed her.